The 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet System is the weight loss program developed by Dan Long after his traumatic experience with excessive belly fat. On the day he was celebrating his 43rd birthday, Dan had to be rushed to a hospital due to an intense headache, blurred vision, chest pain, difficulty speaking, and a feeling of confusion and helplessness. Tests revealed a blood pressure of 189 over 118, high triglyceride level and high LDL (the bad cholesterol) level. It was fortunate that he reached the emergency room before a heart attack or a stroke occurred.
Being overweight poses health problems when we reach the age of over 35 because of reduced hormone production and deteriorating metabolism. Overweight persons tend to develop cardiovascular diseases due to excessive belly fats.
Using the 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet, Dan and his wife Nicole and thousands of other users successfully reduced their weights and gained flat bellies.
What Is The 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet?
Rather than becoming dependent on numerous maintenance medicines prescribed by his doctor, Dan and his wife relied on the 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet System. This diet system was based on scientific researches in the following areas:
- Diet-Induced Thermogenesis (DIT) — also known among nutritionists as the Specific Dynamic Action, or the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF), and this refers to the percentage of food consumption used to digest, store and process the food intake through metabolism;
- Frequency of Nutrient Timing — refers to the concept of getting the right nutrient at the right time; and
- Overfeeding — when combined with DIT and nutrient timing frequency, overfeeding three times a week makes the system less intimidating for the person battling with obesity.
This one of a kind diet system defeats other programs that are very restrictive. (Litrix website has reviews of other diet systems.) The 1 Hour Belly Blast Program does not make you count your calories and starve. It operates under three core principles:
- One — Indulge in any food you choose three times a week as a reward after a physical training session, following the important guidelines set in the program.
- Two — Be in a relaxed mode 167 hours out of the 168 hours in a week. Be on your normal daily routine during the relaxed mode hours.
- Three — Anti-Overwhelming sustainability. The diet system should not get you stressed while overcoming your excess fats.
About Dan Long, Author Of The 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet
Dan Long started a career in physical fitness and health as a personal trainer and personal coach. He currently operates the Kill Mode Training Company in Tampa, Florida. Dan also provides Suspended Body Weight Training routines used by thousands of people around the world. That product has been featured in several health magazines and national television stations.
Dan married his wife Nicole in 2009 and they have produced three healthy children.
Dan’s grandmother is still at the peak of health at a ripe age and has no health problems at 92 years. Her advice for Dan to have hearty meals thrice a week has influenced the development of the 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet System.
Dan also dedicates his 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet System to the memory of his beloved younger brother Adam, whom he lost to obesity, heart disease, and cardiac arrest at a young age of 38.
What Will You Learn From The 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet?
Dan Long’s diet program comes in the form of several digital guides to set the path for a stress-free weight reduction program that can easily be started and sustained. Risky and possibly fatal health conditions can be prevented. Doing the system with your partner or with your whole household will add additional and mutual support. The diet protocols will be easier to follow when you have support in getting rid of the unwanted flab.
The Following E-books Come With The 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet System
- Diet Manual — This guide provides the theoretical fundamentals of the program and discusses its scientific foundations. There are a few technical terms used but they are fully explained. Based on several pieces of research made by nutrition scientists, the Diet Manual points the right nutrients that will help maintain an ideal weight and the right time to take those nutrients.
- Quick Start Guide — This is a compact document but it lays down the simple and effective steps that have to be taken to steadily reduce your weight. This is the road map to your healthy destination laid out in easily understood steps.
- Progress Tracker — This is the document where you will indicate your progress in your journey to a slimmer you. This will serve as your road landmarks. Tips on how to carry out proper measurements are provided to help you track your progress.
- Supplementation Recommendations — This provides a long list of supplements that you can take to help you burn those fats.
- Half Your Size Exercise Guide — This is your guide for the workouts and activities. Under the principles of anti-overwhelm, tips on how to intensify the movements without undue stress are clearly described.
More Benefits
- Eating Out Restaurant Survival Guide — Eating out may be considered as part of the three times a week when you are allowed to indulge in the food you want. This guide will help you what food to avoid, what substitutes are better, and what food is recommended to be ordered. This will be helpful in keeping you on the right track while enjoying your favorite cuisine.
- 21 Powerful Foods That Shrink Belly Bulge — You shall be presented with food that naturally burns fat. Discussions on how and why they help are presented in easy to understand explanations.
- 2 Minute Belly Flab Targeting Solution — This is a library of intense and focused exercises that supplement the Half Your Size Exercise Guide. This will be useful when you reduce the time you spend on regular exercises. Imagine burning your fats in two minutes’ time. The 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet System really wants you to relax 167 hours in a week.
From time to time, Dan offers other bonuses such as discounts, protein supplements, and additional instructions in video form. A personalized VIP coaching may sometimes be also thrown in by Dan.
Pros & Cons Of The 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet System
Compared with other diet programs, you will find that Dan Long’s 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet System has the following PRO points:
- The routines are easier to follow. The anti-overwhelm sustainability principle really works. The stress that comes with dieting is not present in this product. You have more time to spend with your loved ones because the workouts are shorter.
- The exercises are flexible. You may increase the intensity of the workouts subject to your will and desire, but the mood of the system is relaxed throughout. You may use the more intense supplemental 2-minute exercises during situations when you have less time to work out.
- The pricing is very affordable and is a mere percentage of other systems’ prices. This is around only 3% of the current going rate for similar products, based on the latest figure we obtained.
- There is a 60-day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product.
We came up with only one CON against 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet System. You have to closely follow the system’s protocols and routines for it to be effective. But nobody ever said that getting a better body is never difficult. Following the program is not overwhelming, but you still have to work the recommended routines out to gain its benefits.
In hindsight, when we consider that the work using Dan Long’s system is more relaxed than the other competing systems, there is no CON at all for the 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet System.
Does 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet Work?
Dan Long has already helped thousands with his diet system. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Although the rate of weight reduction varies from person to person, success stories abound in Dan’s various accounts online.
The steps provided by 1 Hour Belly Blast Diet System are simple and easy to follow. They provide positive effects for people who want to get rid of their excess belly fats. It takes some more time than others to really have the flat belly they desire. The more relaxed approach developed by Dan Long is bound to be sustained by all who adopt it.