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Baby Sleep Miracle Review

If you are to ask parents what would be the most difficult part of having a baby, the first word that comes to mind is sleep. If so, this Baby Sleep Miracle review would be for you.

Babies do have the talent for timing. They can sleep all day even with all the blaring of the car horns, the loud noises of people in the house, and the TV.

Just when you are about to get some sleep, the baby cries.

Some babies are more difficult than others. They sleep in the daytime and would be full of energy at night. For the unlucky parents, they can say goodbye to having a good night’s rest. They watch over the baby in shifts and sleep alternately.

But it’s no way to go especially if you have work in the morning. Sleep deprivation is one of the major causes of accidents behind the wheel and at work.

What Is Baby Sleep Miracle?

The method was developed by Mary-Ann Schuler. Remember that name because you would be offering flowers at her alter after this Baby Sleep Miracle review. We will talk about the author later on but first an introduction.

baby sleep miracle review

There are a lot of fish wives’ tales on getting your infant to sleep. The most common is that you are under the mercy of your baby because you have no control over their sleeping patterns. They wake up when they want to and go to sleep when they want to.

Another misconception is that you force your baby to wake up during the day so they will sleep soundly at night. However, this is unhealthy for the baby. For newborns, they need to be sleeping from 16-20 hours per day. At three months old, the number of sleep time drops to 15 hours. At 2 years old, the number of hours further goes down to 12.

These are some of the misconceptions that the Baby Sleep Miracle aims to correct. The book is based on extensive research but devoid of all the technical and medical jargon so it would be easier to understand for parents.

Who has time to read complex books anyway when you have a baby to care for?

What You’ll Gain

One thing you will learn is that sleeping can be learned by babies. You can actually teach them this proven method so you don’t deprive yourself of sleep. The methods can be taught for newborns or for toddlers up to 5 years old.

For first time parents, a crying child is overwhelming, especially since the infant can’t yet verbalize what it wants. The baby will cry if it’s hungry, thirsty, uncomfortable, anxious, startled, sleepy, and the list goes on and on.

With this method, you will learn to answer all the questions surrounding your baby’s sleeping patterns.

Now, your baby won’t be a source of stress and you can play with it any time of the day without feeling dread or guilt.

Who Is Mary-Ann Schuler?

Mary-Ann Schuler is a psychologist and a mother of two so she can speak about her own experience, as well as her own training. She has more than two decades of experience in pediatric psychology so she knows what she’s talking about.

She drew on her long experience in her practice to come up with easy-to-follow instructions that will transform first-time parents into experts.

Mary-Ann knows full well the feeling of inadequacy of parents when they can’t get their child to sleep or stop crying. They are wracked with guilt because they feel they are bad mothers.

Baby Sleep Miracle guide

It’s the reason why she tried to develop a tested method to help these parents cope with sudden changes. If you follow her book, you will really realize there’s a miracle on earth because your baby would be sleeping soundly and be less irritable after waking up.

Of course, you can never emphasize enough how a lot of rest would help the disposition of mothers. When they are less stressed, they would be able to enjoy motherhood more.

The information she’s sharing comes from the series of studies conducted at the Harvard Medical School and Stanford Center For Sleep Science and Medicine.

What Will You Learn From Baby Sleep Miracle?

You will learn from the book the “whys and hows” of the infant’s sleeping patterns. For instance, do you know why your baby is always irritable? Do you know why the baby always throws a tantrum even with very small triggers?

There are multiple causes of irritability. The issue could be medical in nature. They might not be breathing properly, they may have some allergies, they may be experiencing a urinary tract infection or ear infection. Some babies are just born to be very fussy, so they get stressed easily and be resistant to change.

What you will learn are practical tips to train your baby drawing from her own experience in trying to make her 3-year-old sleep.


The information and tips are laid down in simple terms. Even if the author is a psychologist by profession, she really made it a point to use only words that can be understood by everybody, and we appreciate that decision.

There are four chapters here, and each of those chapters has 16 sub-chapters. She explains the theory of it all before giving you the practical tips. You will learn how to train the baby to sleep on its own, and you will learn how to look for red flags to determine if the baby is ready to sleep. You will also learn the primary emotion of the baby (anger, irritability, discomfort, separation anxiety) which leads to the tantrums.

Baby Sleep Miracle Reviews

The baby doesn’t yet know how to deal with the overstimulation of all its senses. Of course, it is the parents who will make sure the baby is calm at the outset. However, the baby will be taught how to calm itself so it doesn’t need some external motivation to do so. You will learn how to read the clues as you experiment with the methods outlined in the book.

But the child will also look for clues as well to determine if it’s doing something right. If the parents will freak out on every little stress, the child will take that as a clue to also behave the same.

The author will then teach you how to show the child to be self-calm. In the same vein, you have a responsibility as a parent to avoid overstimulating your child. You have to time your responses with what your child can process. If you are too aggressive, the baby will shut down and back away. You will then learn the optimum intensity of stimulation that your child will respond to.

Pros and Cons of Baby Sleep Miracle


  • It’s easy to digest and you can even read the whole thing in one sitting
  • The tips provided are easy to follow, which means you can start right away
  • Great value for the price (you may think $100 is steep but it’s actually a bargain when you consider what you get—sleep)


  • There’s a bit of a learning curve in this method
  • You have to spend some time reading the method and practicing the tips
  • You may need to experiment as some tips may not work with your baby
  • It only has one language and that is English
  • There’s no printed copy so you have to read it on your phone, which may turn off some people

Does the Baby Sleep Miracle Work?

Now for the crux of this Baby Sleep Miracle review: does the method work?

There’s a bit of a learning curve and you can expect some resistance on the part of your baby. This is to be expected. As long as you follow the instructions to the letter and keep at it, your baby will respond eventually. According to the author, the method already helped more than 17,000 parents all over the globe.

best Baby Sleep Miracle Review

The experience of all those 17,000 couldn’t have been coincidental, right?

The Baby Sleep Miracle works because it goes back to the basics. You will understand why they cry and you will respond accordingly. Every time the baby cries and you address what it wants immediately, this shows the child that he or she doesn’t need to be stressed out—mom and dad are there.


The Baby Sleep Miracle is an innovative method that has helped thousands of parents get some much-needed shuteye. Don’t compare yourself with others, especially if your child is slow to respond. Each baby will respond differently to the methods specified in the book. You don’t need additional stress in your life.

The important thing is to never give up. Pretty soon, you will have your eureka moment. What this book does is to give back to the parents a sense of control. No longer will you feel like your lives are spiraling out of control because of a very precocious baby.

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