Home » How to Kiss a Man to Make Him Fall in Love – Kissing Magic Review

How to Kiss a Man to Make Him Fall in Love – Kissing Magic Review

If you have ever wondered if there is such a thing as a right and wrong way to kiss, you are in luck. Within this How to Kiss a Man to Make Him Fall in Love Kissing Magic review, we are going to take a look at the techniques you need for a great kiss.

The tip and tricks contained within will show you how to kiss in a way that breaks down any barriers or reservations a man has about falling in love.

A man needs only 2.6 seconds to know if he is going to fall in love. Within 2.6 seconds of kissing a lady, a man will know whether or not he wants to fall in love. By using the techniques within this guide, you will make the most of that precious little time you have, and that man will surely fall in love with you!

What is Kissing Magic?

What is Kissing Magic

Kissing Magic is a series of seven lessons and a few bonuses designed to give you the best tips for the best, most steamy lip locks!

In this guide, you explore methods of and techniques surrounding kissing and kisses, which the author believes are the meat of romantic relationships. The tips will make your kisses amazing and will revive your sense of affection. You get everything from how to make your lips look their best to a guide that helps revive intimacy.

And this is not just for ladies who are single and looking for a man. Even if you are already in a relationship but are not sure how to keep your man with you for the long term, this program will help.  For example, if your man has been thinking about you in an unfavorable way, you might use the magnetic techniques to help change his frame of mind.

The techniques are all based upon studies, investigations, testing, and surveys conducted on men and women from around the world. You will learn such things as:

  • Why do we kiss?
  • What do men think when they kiss?
  • What do men seek in women?
  • Why are men so anxious about kissing you?

Who is Michael Fiore?

Michael Fiore - Text Your Ex Back author

Michael Fiore is a relationship specialist and a bestselling author.  He is a well-learned guru about the world of love and long-lasting, committed relationships.  He’s been on many blogs, podcasts, radio programs, and even television. He was on Rachel Ray’s show!

He believes a kiss is like a conversation, and that there are three distinct parts to a kiss that you must have for effectiveness.

He also has a book about how to get a man to be your boyfriend in six steps…so this guy knows his stuff!

He has devoted his life to writing about romance, passion, and wants to help women understand men and men’s wants. By helping women understand, Fiore feels both sides can have the serious, loving, long term relationships they want and need.

What Will You Learn from Kissing Magic?

Inside this helpful eBook, you will learn many useful things. Here is a list of just some of the things you’ll master.

Kissing Magic Review

  • The psychology of kissing-in this way, you will understand what men think about during a kiss and what it all means to them
  • You will learn the “Monogamy kiss”-a technique that helps him stay faithful to you. It is a good idea you use this before he goes out for the evening or goes on a business trip so that other women do not appeal to him
  • You will learn why men get nervous about kissing you, and how you can draw him in-all while thinking it’s his idea completely!
  • You will learn how to do a “kissing meditation”-this will center you and get rid of all distractions so that when you do kiss, you will be right in the moment.
  • You will learn to create a force field of passion, electricity as soon as the lips touch!
  • You will make him desperate for more of your attention-and you will learn how to grab his attention so that he won’t even look at his cell phone while with you.
  • You will learn how to make him feel like a king and help him realize his true emotions that he may have suppressed.
  • You will learn how to improvise during a kiss so that it never gets old but stays exciting and fresh.

Magical Techniques

The techniques contained within this e-book will not only teach you, they will help your man kiss you like he did when you first met. It will help him break down any “walls” he has put up, and just be vulnerable with you. When you apply the techniques, you learn in this program, he will blush and smile whenever he thinks of you.

Kissing Magic Pros & Cons

Now we will talk about the pros and cons of this program. Nothing is ever perfect, and you deserve to know about the product.  Let’s start with the good stuff.


  • Only costs $37. Pretty affordable to hold onto your man!
  • You get plenty of reading material and helpful videos.
  • 60-day money back guaranteeno risk in buying it!
  • Bonuses included with the program valued at $290.
  • Different kisses for different scenarios are part of the package.
  • Easy to understand language so that all people can benefit.
  • Digital program- so you can privately read about this in a quiet place (kissing can be embarrassing to read about in public!).
  • Data contained within is based upon real surveys conducted on real people around the world.
  • Has a favorable rating from most users.


  • You have to be at least 18 years old to buy this product-so there is an age limit.
  • Designed mostly for people who are outgoing. If you are a shy person who stays “in their shell” so to speak, the methods may not be so helpful for you
  • If you like to hold physical books, this program may not be for you as it is all digital format.
  • The program is for women only. So, the men cannot really learn from this program.
  • Requires discipline and practice to ensure the techniques work.

Does Kissing Magic Work?

In short, yes! Michael Fiore has researched kissing extensively. Scientific studies indicate that it takes seconds for a man to know if a woman is right for him. Therefore, this program will help you harness that man for good!

How To Kiss A Man To Make Him Fall In Love Review - Free PDF

The program really works because just like fixing a car, you are learning about how it works and what can go wrong. You can then prevent these things from happening to make the most out of your kisses. These techniques will be helpful now and in the future.  You will keep your technique fresh, so your man will keep coming back for more.

Now, no program is successful for everybody. Nothing is perfect, and your results will vary. But with practice and taking the program seriously, the program will work for most.


If you’ve never been great at kissing, pick up this product. If you’re over 18 but never really had a great kiss, or desire to get serious about your relationships, buy this product. If you are already in a serious relationship and want to make sure your man stays with you, and doesn’t want for other ladies, this is a very helpful product.

You will learn how to keep a relationship happy for the long term. You will become a confident kisser, who attracts the attention of her man with ease. Best of all, both of you will enjoy a long, happy and stable relationship with lots of passion.

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