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What Men Secretly Want Reviews

We all want loving, stable and happy relationships. For some of us, it comes easy. For others, it’s difficult to find and maintain a meaningful romantic relationship.  Women certainly place a large value on finding a mate that will love them, treat them well, and be a loving partner for life.

But why are some women having trouble finding a man and keeping him? The answer is that they must use a technique called the Respect Principle. In this What Men Secretly Want review, we will discuss this principle. You can then harness that power for an amazing lifelong relationship.

What is What Men Secretly Want?

what men secretly want reviews

What Men Secretly Want is an eBook that shows you a technique called the Respect Principle to enhance and preserve your relationship. It is not a method by which you will manipulate or change men to fit your needs. Rather, you will work on yourself to be the best you can be for him.

The course focuses on changing your inner voice and mindset, and then showing you how to use the techniques to your benefit. It is a system where you change yourself for the greater good of your relationship.

A communication gap exists between men and women, argues the creator of the system. We must bridge this gap if relationships are to be successful. James Bauer, the creator, shows us how to bridge the gap by way of behavior modification. He believes that by showing men respect and admiration-things that men value more than suffering from loneliness or lack of love-relationships can be more successful.

The eBook and audio included is broken up into nine chapters. They are concise, to the point, and you won’t be bogged down with unnecessary filler information.

Bauer has authored this and another program, and definitely has experience in the field of relationships.

Who is James Bauer?

James Bauer is a relationship coach and describes himself as a student of human psychology. He teaches people, especially women, to use the power of intuition as a guide through the process of dating. Through his experience with clients, he has learned that intuition will get you better results for the relationship you desire.

James Bauer teaches you how to handle your relationship when your man begins to act distant or withdraw from activities and spending time with you. He shows you how take the secret desire of every man-which is respect-and have him stay committed and faithful to you.

He is the author of His Secret Obsession Book, too. Check His Secret Obsession Book review HERE.

What Will You Learn from What Men Secretly Want? The Respect Principle Summary

what men secretly want

Within this course, you will learn many things. First, we will look at the nine chapters contained within the eBook to give you a better idea. Then we will look at the bonuses included.

You learn what is known as the Respect Principle, or the idea that men desire respect and feeling adequate more than other feelings.

Chapter 1 covers the basics of the respect principle and tells you why men suddenly pull away with no rhyme or reason.

Chapter 2 teaches you how to do little things in your relationship to make your man feel more respected. You simply change the little things you do and watch the magic happen.

Chapter 3 will show you how to keep him coming back if he is starting to get distant from you. Don’t scrape the bottom of the barrel for ideas. Just follow this guide.

Chapter 4 is a bit of a strange one. It is called “Stop Being Interesting and Get Interested”.  In essence, it says that men see being humorous or funny as a male trait. So, it is advising you to laugh at his jokes, essentially.

Chapter 5 shows you how to become more attractive, while still maintaining your own standards and boundaries. You will become more attractive, and he will respect you more, too.

Chapter 6 shows you how to get your man to open up. Too often, we write men off as being not very complex. They keep their emotions bottled up inside. In this chapter, you will learn how to get inside his head (in a good way!) and get him to share his feelings with you.

Chapter 7 shows you how to find quality men. If you’ve had a string of bad relationships in the past, and dated losers, this chapter is for you. Don’t waste your time with men who don’t seem to have any emotions. This chapter shows you who to look out for.

Chapter 8 is called Meet Your Avatar. No, you won’t be meeting a video game character. You will read a success story by a person who followed the program to success. You will read through and complete a questionnaire. This questionnaire will show you what you personally need to find in a man.  You will then learn how to find him.

It’s okay to have standards, and to know what you want.

Chapter 9 is all about where NOT to look for your man. This will show you places you should avoid so that you only get good results.

Bonuses included are “The Art of Intrigue” and “The Active Ingredients of Love.” The first bonus is about how to be interesting to your man, and to get his interest really piqued. It’s free bonus, but really useful.

The second is a compilation of attributes gleaned from women from all walks of life. They shared with James Bauer the best traits of their successful relationships. He put them all into one handy guide for you!

What Men Secretly Want Pros & Cons

Now we will evaluate the good and the bad, so you can be informed when you buy.

respect principle


  • Program is designed for women, and this makes it easy to connect with the male psyche and connect with men more easily. Helps him really make a commitment
  • Has an e-book and audio so you can take it with you anywhere
  • It works if you are already in a relationship or seeking one. It’s good for married people and those who are girlfriends or fiancés.
  • The Respect Principle is so simple, and yet so effective.
  • Customer service is prompt and friendly.
  • You will learn many things about men you didn’t previously know. You see their perspective from a new angle.
  • It’s based on actual psychology and a study conducted about what men valued.
  • 60-day money back guarantee.


  • The program is only for women. It will most likely not work for men.
  • The program is rather short, which is good if you don’t have a lot of time. But for $47 some may want more material.
  • Chapter 4 asks you to stop being interesting and being humorous. Most people enjoy being around a creative and interesting person, so this was a bit weird.
  • It is rather plain in how it looks, but the advice is still good.

Does What Men Secretly Want Work?

Yes. This product will work for you. The 8thchapter actually contains a success story from one of the women who took the course and succeeded. You have to understand, however, that you have to put in the work to become successful. You will have to make sure you are mindful of your behaviors and actively making a change. And you can’t just read the material and expect things to change right away.

what men secretly want review


If you choose to learn from this program, get ready for a great product with lots of sound advice. It’s very easy to follow, and the methods taught here are very easy to learn, but actually doing the work is the hard part.

It is a low price when you think of the benefits that it can bring you, which is a long-lasting relationship. Best of all, it doesn’t involve any weird gimmicks, love spells or fake tricks to get the results you want. It just takes real psychology and puts it to work for you. With a money back guarantee, you can’t go wrong. Work hard, and best of luck in keeping your relationship strong.

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