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Millionaire’s Brain Academy Review

Have you ever looked at the successful entrepreneurs on TV or the Internet and wondered, “How did they do it?” Did you ever see a show or YouTube video that featured a house tour of your favorite personality, and realize that house must have cost a million dollars?

Do you wonder how some people have so much wealth, while other simply do not?

The secret lies within your mindset. If you can just take a few helpful pieces of advice, pledge to work hard, and really believe in yourself, you too can join the ranks of millionaires. How would you like to say, “I made my first million when I was….”

You can. Read on as we explore in this Millionaire’s Brain Academy review.

What is Millionaire’s Brain Academy?

millionaire brain academy

In short, this is an online course with a focus on business practices and staying positive. You will mostly reference the e-book while you study, but there are a few bonuses and some workbooks to use, too.

The eBook is 121 pages long. The goal is to change your mindset and get you into thinking like a millionaire. This means that you will let go of negative beliefs about yourself, like low self-esteem, a scarcity mindset, and any other unhelpful beliefs of a negative variety.

You will look at successful people, like Steve Jobs, and see what they did to achieve success. You will also use the workbooks to create good habits that you must follow each and every day in order for them to be successful.

Some of the tips can seem a little outlandish. One tip advises that you should stop watching TV, as it is too mindless. There’s really nothing wrong with enjoying some rubbish reality TV once in a while, though.

The main goal of the Millionaire’s Brain Academy seems to be teaching the reader about the Law of Attraction-the belief that if you want something and you want it hard enough, it will eventually come to you. You simply need to use your positive energy to bring more positive energy your way. If this is something you believe in, this program will really speak to you.

Who is Winter Vee?

millionaire brain review

The creator of this program is a success story. He was in a car accident that essentially left him unable to work or carry on with normal life. So, he began to study the habits of successful people while in the hospital.  It was like he had cracked the code. After he applied the tricks that he’d taught himself, he earned 1.2 million dollars. (Those are his claims, anyway.)

Today he is a Wealth and Success coach, whose Facebook profile features mostly inspirational quotes, presumably there to motivate his students. He works for a firm called Achieve Today and has authored two programs that help people get more out of life.

What Will You Learn from Millionaire’s Brain Academy?

In Millionaire’s Brain Academy, you will learn how to generate wealth by getting into the heads of millionaires and adopting their strategies for growing wealth.

You first start by learning how to take responsibility for your actions. The first chapter has a title of “Master Your Destiny.” You will learn here that the choices you make are the ones that will either lead you to success or to a different path completely.

You will learn how to constantly re-shape and “repaint” your brain so that you are always learning and internalizing new strategies for success. Eventually, these good habits will become second nature to you.

You will learn that by using the Law of Attraction, you will bring the things you want into your life. You have to want it – and you will have to work for it. But by believing what you want to be yours, you can make it that way.

the millionaires brain review

You also have to be willing to offer something in order to get what you want. As the ebook progresses, you will learn what that is. It’s nothing bad, but it is rather surprising.

The book also teaches you how to deal with fear, and how to get past your feelings of fear. By giving into anxiety and feeling scared, everything can come to a screeching halt.

And then all your hard work will be for nothing. You don’t want that, so follow this part of the book closely to overcome that. You don’t want all your hard work, planning, money spent, and time to go down the drain.

Helpful Bonuses

You will also get some great bonuses that will help you get started in changing your mindset.

First, you get the Brain Optimizer notebook. This will give you positive affirmations, activities, meditations, and other small exercises you can follow in order to get the most out of your purchase. It will help internalize the beliefs of the system. Some people have described it as a workout for the brain, similar to a workout for your body!

millionaire's brain academy review

Next is the Money Code book.  Essentially, you will learn how to make your money work for you. As you start to make more money, you will need to learn how to handle it so that it stays with you and grows. This part of the course covers that for you.

Last is the Millionaire Mindset. This is essentially an audio program you will use to wire your brain into the mindset of a true millionaire. It syncs up your brain hemispheres, and gives you access to heightened creativity, intuition, and and intelligence. You will learn the patterns of the millionaire mind and make them your own.

Millionaire’s Brain Academy Pros & Cons

Now we will talk about the pros and cons of the program, so you can make an informed choice.


  • You will learn the seven key thoughts, attitudes and habits of the rich.
  • You are guaranteed to get a focus on what you need and want to become the millionaire you deserve to be and attract even more success.
  • You will have an easier time planning your financial future.
  • You will learn how to make money at any time, even when you are asleep. You will look past your failures and focus on the future filled with success.
  • You will learn how to succeed and achieve your purpose in life.
  • The changes you make will subtly start to impact your life in a positive way.


  • The program seems to imply that just by reading it, you will become very rich. No, you have to put in the work and follow the advice to become rich.
  • One slogan of the eBook is “Go from Broke to Millionaire in 10 Days!” That is not possible in most cases.
  • The videos are rather long at times, the first one being 36 minutes. You cannot skip the sales videos.
  • You initially are told that the price is $197. Then you go to leave, and they slash it to $47. Do they not believe the product is worthy of the price?
  • There is no print version of this book. You can only buy it online.

Does Millionaire’s Brain Academy Work?

The answer is yes and no. Yes, the program will work for you if you are willing to put in the work necessary to make your dreams come true. Becoming a millionaire is very possible. However, you have to revamp your entire life and your entire way of thinking in order to make it real.

brain academy

Simply following the feel-good advice in this program is not going to make you rich in a short period of time. Rather you have to take the program’s advice and follow it for life. You have to make a lifestyle change. There is no easy or simple way to get rich quick, aside from a lottery ticket.

That being said, don’t hesitate to buy this program if you are ready and willing to work hard. The concepts are easy and accessible to all people, and the price is right-only $47 isn’t so bad for most of us.


 If you are ready to work hard and achieve the dreams you always had, now is the time to buy the program and start. It’s not like all those other ridiculous get rich quick schemes, that require you to keep buying product after useless product.

All you need is an internet connection and plenty of willpower. It is not going to be easy by any means. But if you stick with it and make smart choices, you too can join the ranks of millionaires all over the world. You can enjoy financial freedom for you and your family with this program.

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