The Smoothie Diet is a great tool that could change the way you look at smoothies. Nowadays, almost anywhere, you can easily find a wealth of assortment when it comes to smoothie recipes and juicing. However, not all of these products available in the market today are effective and most of them are just fads. What sets this diet apart is that it includes every aspect of one’s health.
This ranges from your kind of fitness to your lifestyle as a whole, to your eating schedule, nutrition, and so much more. While this program really involves smoothies, it does not exclude several other factors that are very crucial in attaining sustainable weight loss, enhanced level of energy, and of course, a much better lifestyle. As long as you love smoothies, then you may have just discovered the ultimate solution to lose weight and improve your way of life.
What Is The Smoothie Diet?
The Smoothie Diet is a 21-day diet program created to decrease your total sugar consumption by consuming fresh smoothies daily. The target is to influence the sensitivity and production of insulin and blood sugar as well as to attain sustainable weight loss. To say that the program is just a system for smoothies and juices is really an understatement.
It is a comprehensive guide to alter your fitness, diet, and life as a whole. The system is equipped with essential things that you require to achieve just that. The programs include various components. All of these allow you to get access when you buy the program.
This includes the main guide, smoothie schedule, shopping lists, recipe cards, daily journal, a healthy eating guide, and workout plan. In the system, you can easily see that everything is taken care of. From your grocery shopping to smoothie making, to your dieting schedule, up to your progress and your clean eating habits.
It also comes with different recipes to make sure that anybody can use it. Aside from this, it has free additional guides which include diabetes-friendly recipes, smoothies for kids, and gluten-free recipes. It is worth noting that the program does not only involve smoothies but also offers meal plans for a healthier eating habit.
The best part of the program is that the whole system is available online. This means that you do not have to pay for the shipping or wait for your order to arrive. All you have to do is sign into your account and get the entire content by downloading it into your PC, laptop, or mobile devices.
Who Is Drew Sgoutas?
The Smoothie Diet program was designed by Drew Sgoutas. He is a nutritional expert and a health coach with board certification. Aside from that, he is also extremely passionate about eating and cooking real foods with real ingredients. This is something that our modern world has already forgotten over the course of time. In terms of personal and professional expertise, Drew Sgoutas holds both with extreme passion. These qualities can also be seen in the entire program.
What Will You Learn From The Smoothie Diet Program?
The Smoothie Diet is a 21 days diet program that can be repeated. It aims to lessen the consumption of sugar and boost loss of weight. Each week, you are given a weekly shopping list that you will need for the entire week. It also gives you the guide for your smoothie recipes as well as a daily smoothie calendar. This helps you schedule ahead and plan for your meals. It also comes with optional three-day detoxification. You can repeat the program as frequent as you like.
Allows You To Calculate Best Calorie Insufficiency
You cannot lose weight if you do not have the proper calorie deficit. It will not be enough to just estimate the calorie count and gulp several glasses of smoothies. It is important that you include the calorie formula that involves your height, current weight, and age so you could get the ideal calorie deficit prior to beginning the program.
Everyday Meal Replacement
This program also offers a daily meal replacement. The ideal plan is to find an alternative for one or two meals each day using one of the smoothie recipes. The type of meal that you want to drink will totally depend on you. Your other foods are solid foods, based on the recipe list and the recommended food. The non-smoothie recipes included in the program are Brown Rice & Black Bean Bowl, Bell Pepper Tacos, and Balsamic Chicken Salad. It also includes recipes like Carrot Noodle Salad, Strawberry Quinoa and Spinach Salad, and Apple Spinach Brown Rice Salad.
Teach You To Prepare For Your Weekly Consumption
You are going to make numerous smoothies for the next three weeks. In order to make the diet program more economical and convenient, the program provides you with a shopping list that is grouped every week and per smoothie. The shopping list includes the things you need for one smoothie. But, it also has recommended shopping list for purchasing everything that you will be needing for the entire week.
While this does not seem like a big deal, the primary reason for failure when it comes to diet is when you run out of the advised food. When this happens, you will find yourself staring at a bag of your favorite potato chips for several minutes. So, it is best if you can do the weekly shopping recommendation so you will not run out of recipes.
- Between Meal Snacks
Aside from the whole food meals and the smoothies, you will need to eat a small snack that is not only low in sugar but also high in fiber. Most of the snacks range between 150 and 200 calorie rating. The program offers a full list of snacks that you can use as your guide.
- Realistic Weight Loss
Based on research, this program will yield realistic weight loss at approximately between two and three pounds every week. During the Smoothie Diet Program, it is possible that you increase your weight loss. However, it could be very challenging for the most part of the schedule. Several users have lost around 50 to 70 pounds after several diet plan cycles. It is just not very realistic to expect that you will lose 50 pounds in just two weeks of being in the program. If weight loss is your ultimate goal, it would require several cycles of redoing the program.
- Fast Start Guide
Although it is not recommended to jump directly right into the daily diet and skip the core guide, you can always do it if you like. This guide enables you to access your daily planner in a fast way. The guide reveals differently featured smoothies for a particular day.
- Cheat Day Each Week
The Smoothie Diet Program offers a weekly cheat day, so do not hesitate to use this for your advantage. While you are in the program, you will have sugar cravings, particularly during the first week. The scheduled cheat day assists in relieving mental fatigue. According to research, a cheat day can help provide stability in managing essential hormones while you are on a diet.
- Smoothie Diet Core Design
The program offers the core principle of the Smoothie Diet Program. It also provides nutritional information that dismisses various myths and blunders about weight loss. The main guide involves detailed recipes as well as shopping lists for all smoothies.
- Optional Three-Day Detox
This is optional but it is very useful since it allows you to flush out of your body unwanted toxins. It will also maximize your organs that are essential for weight loss and for helping your metabolism. If prior to commencing the program you eat processed and fast food, the detox is an outstanding primer before proceeding with the Smoothie Diet Program.
- Premium Options
One-on-One Coaching Through Email
If you are the kind that entails more personal advice with regards to your daily calorie intake, smoothies, and meals, there is an email coaching that is available for you.
The Smoothie Diet Pros And Cons
- The program offers extensive and comprehensive meal preparation guidelines
- It contains different smoothie recipes variations
- The program offers daily smoothie planner
- It comes with a three-day optional detoxification plan
- The program offers one cheat day for every week
- This program might not be suitable for people with food allergies
- Daily preparation of smoothies might be tasking and time consuming
Does The Smoothie Diet Program Work?
This is really very helpful because this means that you can properly eat wherever and whenever you are. If you download the system on your smartphone, you can have infinite access to the system. Aside from convenience, you can keep up with your healthy eating habit. This is a must try the program, but for it to really work you have to dedicate your time and effort.
Since the Smoothie Diet Program offers a sustainable way of losing weight that involves 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise. The program has everything that you require to heed the guidelines. If after several weeks of following the program, you find that it is not working for you, you can return the product and ask for a refund. The program has a 60-day money back guarantee.